The E-Sports market, electronic sports, had its dynamic completely changed after the pandemic. Because of this, streaming platforms, channels, organizations, and players became very successful in this period.
However, the forecast is that this favorable scenario will continue to grow even more, even after the pandemic. In the next 4 years, according to a report by Juniper Research, the E-Sports and game streaming market is expected to grow 70% and be able to move US$ 3.5 billion in 2025, more than 1.4 billion than today.
Consequently, investing in this market that is on the rise and tends to grow even more is a great opportunity. In this sense, Light DeFi could not be out of that space.
After announcing our FIFA Pro Clubs and Call of Duty teams, Light DeFi is now on Valorant as well. The game that showed excessive growth in the last 2 years will now have the presence of our team on its servers.
After signing a partnership with Ingaming, Valorant’s Brazilian team, we are pleased to announce “Light Ingaming.”
Light Ingaming will be a Valorant team that will represent Light DeFi. The lineup with the players who will be part of the team is already done.
Check it out our players here, tomorrow!
Our team has everything to stand out in the field.
To find out more about Light Ingaming games, stay tuned on our social networks!