Apple and Amazon get in a race for sustainability.

Sustainability is starting to be part of all types of business. In addition to Light DeFi, Apple and Amazon are two other platforms that develop initiatives to preserve the environment.

The COP26 climate change conference is coming soon in the UK, and some companies anticipate the launch of sustainability-related projects.

Consumers increasingly demand that large companies adopt less polluting production initiatives that release less carbon into the atmosphere. Amazon created a sustainability program called The Climate Pledge Fund to give you an idea.

Through this fund, Amazon has already invested in eleven companies that develop sustainable initiatives. Recently, the company announced three other deals that received part of the investment destined to the sector. In total, the program has $2 billion, which will be focused on sustainable financing projects chosen by the e-commerce giant.

In addition to Amazon, Apple is another giant that is developing initiatives related to sustainable practices. The company has reduced the carbon emission process by 40% between 2016 and 2021.

Meanwhile, Apple says the company’s suppliers are also adopting sustainable measures. About 200 of them chose to use renewable energy. The transformation prevented the release of 18 million metric tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Source: Yahoo!

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