Our token launched to revolutionize solar energy production is news in many countries. That’s because we decided not to ignore the deficiency of the Brazilian energy scenario: only 1.7% of the energy we use is ours. A change that was not just on paper was more than urgent.
In the combination of clean energy with the potential of the cryptoactive token, we see an opportunity to create a sustainable and genuinely transformative energy supply system. Thus, we created a system that feeds itself and enables the project to be carried out without external dependencies and, therefore, without excuses or bureaucracy.
It’s not just our energy that’s clean; our engine is open game and doesn’t have fine print. For each transaction, 5% of the amount is destined to construct our industrial park that will be built in Ceará. This choice was based on several preliminary studies involving geographic applicability, expansion capacity, and energy flow.
In addition, the entire amount of solar energy collected will be used to purchase new assets, promoting a significant move towards achieving our ideal of a more sustainable country.
We have been planning to carry out this plan to unite the investment and the photovoltaic park for a long time. No wonder that our crypto active has drawn a lot of attention and is conquering the world.
In the first month of launch, the LIGHT token was certified by Certik, the same company responsible for auditing Binance. This certification took place in just two days (something scarce in the current market), and this was only possible thanks to the performance of the creators.
The numbers indicate the new preferences of the market, and with only three months of existence, our asset already totaled more than 20 thousand users.
Purposeful people drive our project!
So, come with us?